the end is near - October 14, 2004
rant of the year - August 20, 2004
many happy hondas(and two people) - August 02, 2004
canadian thing? - July 31, 2004
the pig - a.k.a. "mr. oinkers" - July 09, 2004


eleven kittens and border horror stories
October 21, 2003 - 8:56 pm

my weekend is now over, my girl has crossed back into the states.(yes, it's just like old times) add the fact that i am now working in the exact same job that i quit almost a year ago, it make a person thankful for what they still have and a little humble. yep, i'm back at barton. i'm also living at "moms". and i'm just wondering if any of my plans somewhere along the line backfired. of course i still am repeating in my head that it's happening for a reason. yeah.

but i do have a few of my friends that are working at bdc. and lots and lots of cats. lets go back a few years ago...mike, the owner of barton, loves cats. he and his wife have always had one as long as i've known him...and in the back of the store there is a yard and a trailer that has been there for four decades or more. cats live in & around that trailer. and in the back "yard". mike has been feeding them every morning for almost two years. i've only seen one or two because they are wild and very timid. since i've come back there are about fifteen cats back there. we were all standing at the gate when we saw pretty much the whole gang sitting waiting for mike. it's pretty amazing to just watch. i might just take a picture of them. i'd say the kittens are inbred to the max. most of them are fuzzy and dirty but also very cute.

ok, enough cat talk, now over the past two days i've been saying hello to old work type acquaintances and telling them my tale of woe.(my exile more like it) but it's a fair one. today, up at "jerry's" my little tale of being stopped, questioned and barred from the u.s. spurred many a border tale. (most were pre-2001, so some were funny) most of the tales were from paul, and he told us about the time he was "walked" across the peace bridge and his car followed him after he was denied into the states. or the time the border guards mistook him for a pimp and forced him out at gunpoint. or the time he wasn't even allowed back into canada. now, i don't know this guy very well but, sounds like he's done some travelling. mike(my boss) had his own story to tell about one of his bus trips. around ten years ago, they had stopped at customs and the female guard(who was a rookie) told everyone to get off the bus, get their luggage and wait inside immigration while she checked eveyrone going over. well, her supervisor saw everyone standing there, and told her to "get everyone back the hell on the bus!" or something like that. i'm not sure what they do now, maybe random checks but she sure got it that day. wonder if she's still there...

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