1969 - October 30, 2003
"golden girl" - October 28, 2003
clock adjustment insanity - October 25, 2003
cold enough to snow - October 23, 2003
eleven kittens and border horror stories - October 21, 2003
thanks - October 15, 2003
home?!? - October 14, 2003
freezer burn - October 07, 2003
oct. 3 was oct 2's dairy - October 03, 2003

You are glucose. People feed off of you. You are
sweet, caring, and a source of energy for
everyone around you. You can inspire others
with your creativity and depth, and you can
keep people alive when in times of famine.
People love you...or at least the way you

Which Biological Molecule Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


1969 - October 30, 2003
"golden girl" - October 28, 2003
clock adjustment insanity - October 25, 2003
cold enough to snow - October 23, 2003
eleven kittens and border horror stories - October 21, 2003
thanks - October 15, 2003
home?!? - October 14, 2003
freezer burn - October 07, 2003
oct. 3 was oct 2's dairy - October 03, 2003

november 2003
october 2003
september 2003
august 2003
july 2003
june 2003
may 2003
april 2003
march 2003